Doctoris seraphici S. Bonaventurae opera omnia
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Doctoris seraphici S. Bonaventurae opera omnia
- Publication date
- 1882
- Topics
- Peter Lombard, Bishop of Paris, ca. 1100-1160, Mary, Blessed Virgin, Saint, Catholic Church, Secular Franciscan Order, Bible, Bible, Theology
- Publisher
- Ad claras Aquas (Quaracchi) : Ex typographia Colegii S. Bonaventurae
- Collection
- Boston_College_Library; blc; americana
- Contributor
- Boston College Libraries
- Language
- Latin
- Volume
- t.9
- Item Size
- 1.5G
t. 1-4. Commentaria in quatuor libros sententiarum Magistri Petri Lombardi.- Indices in tom. 1-4.- t. 5. Opuscula varia theologica.- t. 6. Comentarii in Sacram Scripturam.- t. 7. Comentarius in Evangelium S. Lucae.-t. 8.Opuscula varia ad theologiam mysticam et res Ordinis Fratrum minorum spectantia.- t. 9. Sermones de tempore, de sanctis, de B. Virgine Maria, et de diversis.- t. 10. Operum omnium complementum
Margin notes are cropped by binding
- Addeddate
- 2009-12-23 18:45:23
- Associated-names
- Collegium S. Bonaventurae (Rome, Italy)
- Bookplateleaf
- 0004
- Call number
- BX890 .B673 Q3
- Camera
- Canon 5D
- External-identifier
- Foldoutcount
- 0
- Identifier
- doctorisseraphic09bona
- Identifier-ark
- ark:/13960/t5v702b6j
- Identifier-bib
- 39031012362992
- Ocr
- ABBYY FineReader 8.0
- Ocr_converted
- abbyy-to-hocr 1.1.11
- Ocr_module_version
- 0.0.14
- Page-progression
- lr
- Page_number_confidence
- 96
- Page_number_module_version
- 1.0.5
- Pages
- 794
- Pdf_degraded
- invalid-jp2-headers
- Pdf_module_version
- 0.0.25
- Ppi
- 500
- Scandate
- 20100109033928
- Scanner
- Scanningcenter
- boston
- Worldcat (source edition)
- 2147052
- Year
- 1882
- Full catalog record
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